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작성일 : 03-06-28 02:50
비오는 날은 바다가 더욱 그립습니다-존 밀러
 글쓴이 : 토토♬
조회 : 1,234  

내 귀는 소라껍질
바다 소리에 귀 기우린다 -

- 장 콕토 詩 "내 귀"-

John Miller Gallery

Endless Day by John Miller 1 Endless Day by John Miller 2 Lelant Mauve by John Miller 3 Lelant Mauve by John Miller 4 Venetian Interlude by John Miller 5 Coastal Way by John Miller 6 Anemones and Parasol by John Miller 7 Yacht Passing by John Miller 8 Yacht Passing by John Miller 9 Yacht Passing by John Miller 10 Yacht Passing by John Miller 11 June Sandspur by John Miller 12 June Sandspur by John Miller 13 Godrevy Lighthouse, St. Ives by John Miller 14 November Sandspur by John Miller 15 April Fishing by John Miller 16 Corfu by John Miller 17 Summer Sandbar by John Miller 18 Summer Estuary by John Miller 19 Evening Beach by John Miller 20 Moon Over the Bay by John Miller 21 Scilly Whites by John Miller 22 Distant Islands by John Miller 23 Distant Islands by John Miller 24 May Estuary by John Miller 25 Anemones by John Miller 26 Quiet Inlet by John Miller 27 And Wilderness is Paradise Now by John Miller 29 Seagulls and Sunshade by John Miller 30 Endless Day by John Miller 31 Boat Passing by John Miller 32 Towards St. Michaels Mount by John Miller 33 Moon Over the Bay by John Miller 34 Moon Over the Bay by John Miller 35 Parasol by John Miller 36 Tresco Summer by John Miller 37 Spring Terrace by John Miller 38 Island Sailing by John Miller 39 Algarve Valley by John Miller 40 Mr. Brown Returning by John Miller 41 PZ 2 and Lighthouse by John Miller 42 Three Clouds by John Miller 43 Three Clouds by John Miller 44 St Ives Bay by John Miller 45

_ sissel

      . . . . . . 자료 : 카페 47


상호명: 행복한찻집 | 대표: 이창호 | 개인정보관리책임자: 이창호
대구광역시 북구 산격3동 1331-2번지 3층 | 무단이메일주소수집거부
Tel: 053-955-5465 | Fax: 053-955-5466 | kagyu@hanmail.net
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